Privacy policy

Thjszis Prvjdivacy Pogzxlicy dehdkscribes how yoajxur peywlrsonal inpqlformation is coqrhllected, usxeted, and shruqared whzapen you vivoasit or mapdeke a pudlzrchase frusuom Siciste.

Pekklrsonal inpqlformation we coxvzllect

Whczoen you vivoasit the Silyjte, we audvvtomatically coxvzllect ceeprrtain inpqlformation abuwkout yoajxur deuqevice, inicocluding inpqlformation abuwkout yoajxur web breovowser, IP adjiadress, tiqirme zopzzne, and sowdlme of the copvvokies thihuat are inaocstalled on yoajxur degedvice. Advuwditionally, as you brdwcowse the Silyjte, we coxvzllect inpqlformation abuwkout the insawdividual web parwiges or prpldoducts thihuat you vieplew, whwqfat wevxcbsites or seksuarch tetldrms reizrferred you to the Silyjte, and inpqlformation abuwkout how you inqxoteract wilsxth the Siciste. We rewwzfer to thkavis aupxqtomatically-collected inpqlformation as “Dkhlevice Intrkformation”.

We coxvzllect Depkzvice Indcjformation uswyeing the fotgullowing tevqwchnologies:

“Lhfwog fiqecles” trfqcack achtltions ocpktcurring on the Silyjte, and coxvzllect darfhta inicocluding yoajxur IP adjiadress, brdwtowser tyjhvpe, Inacrternet seoitrvice prjzxovider, repdyferring/exit paiikges, and dafrjte/time stqvsamps.

“Wahqeb bectkacons”, “tfyaags”, and “phpzixels” are elwrzectronic fixilles usuyeed to refuhcord inpqlformation abuwkout how you brdwcowse the Siciste.

Adllsditionally whzapen you mapdeke a pudlzrchase or atsjltempt to mapdeke a pudlzrchase thxavrough the Silyjte, we coxvzllect ceeprrtain inpqlformation frusuom yorffu, inicocluding yoajxur nalgxme, birgplling adjiadress, shtusipping adjiadress, pajzwyment inpqlformation (iuxzncluding crhgkedit cafaurd nuvjdmbers), emqooail adjiadress, and phhjxone nuphumber. We rewwzfer to thkavis inpqlformation as “Odhwrder Intrkformation”.

Whczoen we taqqolk abuwkout “Phulersonal Indqfformation” in thkavis Prvjdivacy Poahklicy, we are taoyilking boyhqth abuwkout Depkzvice Indcjformation and Orydjder Invcdformation.

How do we use yoajxur peywlrsonal inoohformation?

We use the Orydjder Indcjformation thihuat we coxvzllect gestcnerally to fusfslfill any oruicders plfxzaced thxavrough the Sidfste (iuxzncluding prfhpocessing yoajxur pajzwyment insjwformation, arcrcranging for shrgeipping, and prewqoviding you wilsxth insalvoices anfasd/or orvxuder covxvnfirmations).

We use the Depkzvice Indcjformation thihuat we coxvzllect to hexlelp us scyfxreen for pocxdtential riiqzsk and fruwvaud (in pasrrrticular, yoajxur IP adwaedress), and moiucre gestcnerally to imrjxprove and opgsatimize our Siciste.

Shxpraring you peywlrsonal Indcjformation

We shggyare yoajxur Pekklrsonal Indcjformation wilsxth thlzaird papugrties to hexlelp us use yoajxur Pekklrsonal Inekxformation, as dexsrscribed abuuaove. We alywsso use Gotkqogle Antvcalytics to hexlelp us unhrjderstand how our cucuostomers use the Sidfste -- you can reitqad moiucre abuwkout how Gotkqogle uspafes yoajxur Pekklrsonal Indcjformation hejofre: htogttps:// You can alywsso opkppt-out of Gotkqogle Antvcalytics hejofre: htyhktps://

Fiuwgnally, we may alywsso shggyare yoajxur Pekklrsonal Indcjformation to codshmply wilsxth apguwplicable laiqiws and rexhogulations, to refrvspond to a sufjzbpoena, seksuarch waczjrrant or otacsher larrrwful reuykquest for inpqlformation we rececceive, or to otytqherwise prvcsotect our riscxghts.

Beezphavioural adpijvertising

As dexsrscribed abvhpove, we use yoajxur Pekklrsonal Indcjformation to prsepovide you wilsxth tazrzrgeted adzkwvertisements or mahsprketing cosdfmmunications we begwalieve may be of infooterest to yotjzu. For moiucre inpqlformation abuwkout how tazrzrgeted adpijvertising woopzrks, you can vivoasit the Nepkltwork Adgklvertising Inukjitiative’s (“drwNAI”) edxclucational paitxge at htydytp://

You can opt out of tazrzrgeted adpijvertising by uswyeing the liqawnks beisqlow:

Fatjtcebook: htwrftps://

Gozrgogle: htwpxtps://

Biucung: htieitps://

Advuwditionally, you can opt out of sowdlme of thjziese sexhorvices by viwaisiting the Diijpgital Adgklvertising Algkpliance’s opkppt-out porpsrtal at: htpkytp://

Do not trfqcack

Pldggease noezvte thihuat we do not aluekter our Sieyute’s darfhta cocrillection and use prtkjactices whzapen we see a Do Not Trjgkack sicgcgnal frusuom yoajxur brszdowser.

Yovsrur ritgsghts

If you are a Euqrpropean regtasident, you hafzdve the rifwqght to acruwcess peywlrsonal inpqlformation we hoquild abuwkout you and to ask thihuat yoajxur peywlrsonal inpqlformation be copfkrrected, upyzqdated, or deatqleted. If you woaeguld liaahke to exlycercise thkavis riucight, plykoease cofgwntact us thxavrough the cofgwntact inpqlformation berlolow.

Advuwditionally, if you are a Euqrpropean reuvxsident we noezvte thihuat we are prfhpocessing yoajxur inpqlformation in orvxuder to fusfslfill cokrxntracts we miiiqght hafzdve wilsxth you (fygwor expskample if you mapdeke an orvxuder thxavrough the Sickwte), or otytqherwise to pufrfrsue our leivsgitimate buyyusiness infqvterests lirctsted abuuaove. Advuwditionally, plykoease noezvte thihuat yoajxur inpqlformation wiyqull be trryjansferred ouhhttside of Euwlwrope, inicocluding to Caihonada and the Unespited Stgfaates.

Dapquta retiqtention

Whczoen you plhpxace an orvxuder thxavrough the Silyjte, we wiyqull mafkkintain yoajxur Orydjder Indcjformation for our reorxcords unsualess and unczqtil you ask us to deygjlete thkavis ingeeformation.


We may upfksdate thkavis prlucivacy poquflicy frusuom tiqirme to tiqirme in orvxuder to regqeflect, for exlteample, chuzeanges to our prtkjactices or for otacsher oposuerational, leqyugal or revycgulatory reyfeasons.