is Pr ivacy Po licy de scribes how yo ur pe rsonal in formation is co llected, us ed, and sh ared wh en you vi sit or ma ke a pu rchase fr om Si te.Wh
en you vi sit the Si te, we au tomatically co llect ce rtain in formation ab out yo ur de vice, in cluding in formation ab out yo ur web br owser, IP ad dress, ti me zo ne, and so me of the co okies th at are in stalled on yo ur de vice. Ad ditionally, as you br owse the Si te, we co llect in formation ab out the in dividual web pa ges or pr oducts th at you vi ew, wh at we bsites or se arch te rms re ferred you to the Si te, and in formation ab out how you in teract wi th the Si te. We re fer to th is au tomatically-collected in formation as “D evice In formation”.“L
og fi les” tr ack ac tions oc curring on the Si te, and co llect da ta in cluding yo ur IP ad dress, br owser ty pe, In ternet se rvice pr ovider, re ferring/exit pa ges, and da te/time st amps.“W
eb be acons”, “t ags”, and “p ixels” are el ectronic fi les us ed to re cord in formation ab out how you br owse the Si te.Ad
ditionally wh en you ma ke a pu rchase or at tempt to ma ke a pu rchase th rough the Si te, we co llect ce rtain in formation fr om yo u, in cluding yo ur na me, bi lling ad dress, sh ipping ad dress, pa yment in formation (i ncluding cr edit ca rd nu mbers), em ail ad dress, and ph one nu mber. We re fer to th is in formation as “O rder In formation”.Wh
en we ta lk ab out “P ersonal In formation” in th is Pr ivacy Po licy, we are ta lking bo th ab out De vice In formation and Or der In formation.We use the Or
der In formation th at we co llect ge nerally to fu lfill any or ders pl aced th rough the Si te (i ncluding pr ocessing yo ur pa yment in formation, ar ranging for sh ipping, and pr oviding you wi th in voices an d/or or der co nfirmations).We use the De
vice In formation th at we co llect to he lp us sc reen for po tential ri sk and fr aud (in pa rticular, yo ur IP ad dress), and mo re ge nerally to im prove and op timize our Si te.We sh
are yo ur Pe rsonal In formation wi th th ird pa rties to he lp us use yo ur Pe rsonal In formation, as de scribed ab ove. We al so use Go ogle An alytics to he lp us un derstand how our cu stomers use the Si te -- you can re ad mo re ab out how Go ogle us es yo ur Pe rsonal In formation he re: ht tps:// You can al so op t-out of Go ogle An alytics he re: ht tps://
nally, we may al so sh are yo ur Pe rsonal In formation to co mply wi th ap plicable la ws and re gulations, to re spond to a su bpoena, se arch wa rrant or ot her la wful re quest for in formation we re ceive, or to ot herwise pr otect our ri ghts.As de
scribed ab ove, we use yo ur Pe rsonal In formation to pr ovide you wi th ta rgeted ad vertisements or ma rketing co mmunications we be lieve may be of in terest to yo u. For mo re in formation ab out how ta rgeted ad vertising wo rks, you can vi sit the Ne twork Ad vertising In itiative’s (“ NAI”) ed ucational pa ge at ht tp://
cebook: ht tps://
ogle: ht tps://
ng: ht tps://
ditionally, you can opt out of so me of th ese se rvices by vi siting the Di gital Ad vertising Al liance’s op t-out po rtal at: ht tp://
ease no te th at we do not al ter our Si te’s da ta co llection and use pr actices wh en we see a Do Not Tr ack si gnal fr om yo ur br owser.If you are a Eu
ropean re sident, you ha ve the ri ght to ac cess pe rsonal in formation we ho ld ab out you and to ask th at yo ur pe rsonal in formation be co rrected, up dated, or de leted. If you wo uld li ke to ex ercise th is ri ght, pl ease co ntact us th rough the co ntact in formation be low.Ad
ditionally, if you are a Eu ropean re sident we no te th at we are pr ocessing yo ur in formation in or der to fu lfill co ntracts we mi ght ha ve wi th you (f or ex ample if you ma ke an or der th rough the Si te), or ot herwise to pu rsue our le gitimate bu siness in terests li sted ab ove. Ad ditionally, pl ease no te th at yo ur in formation wi ll be tr ansferred ou tside of Eu rope, in cluding to Ca nada and the Un ited St ates.Wh
en you pl ace an or der th rough the Si te, we wi ll ma intain yo ur Or der In formation for our re cords un less and un til you ask us to de lete th is in formation.We may up
date th is pr ivacy po licy fr om ti me to ti me in or der to re flect, for ex ample, ch anges to our pr actices or for ot her op erational, le gal or re gulatory re asons.